Dream Come True: New Hommemaker Editor is an Insanely Talented Ceramist!

Photography by Jess Diab Dear Working Momz, Between shuttling the kids I don’t have to nonexistent soccer practice, preparing an imagined dinner for the husband I don’t have, and balancing all that all with the actual job I actually have, I’ve been spread a little too thin to work as much on this site as I’d like. One of my favorite things about Homepolish is how engaging and exciting my job is. But the problem with something being engaging and exciting is that it doesn’t leave you much time to do other stuff. This is why I came to the…

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A Personal Art Moment in My Master Bedroom

Photographs by Orlando Soria Dear Diary, For some reason last night, I started thinking about my first apartment in LA. So I did some self-googling andĀ found an old picture of it on this blog: I moved into that place in 2007. What I love about looking at this picture is how creative and thrifty everything is. At this point in my life I had literally zero dollars. Everything in in the photograph is either a hand-me-down, handmade, or from Ikea. But I took pride in that space and I think it was really cozy and happy and homey. One of…

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