Dear Matthew Lanphier,
Thank you for inviting Emily and me to that glamourous opening at The Melrose Project over the weekend. The evening was filled with delightful designers, inspirational interiors, and ample appetizers. I especially liked all the great ideas I got from wandering around. Nothing better than a lovely design-filled night, a nice glass of wine on a spring evening, and the company of my talented friends. The event was in honor of the current exhibition of furniture, art, and objects at The Melrose Project. My favorite piece was this “Heaven” light sculpture.
It was a fun treat when Emily showed up. I posed with our new potteryhead friend (center).
This is my friend Ryan. Hi Ryan.
I love this lighting solution. Creates a great big impact with not a lot of money but still looks chic. Would look awesome over a big dining table.
Spools of thread make a super pretty (giant) piece of wall art.
This head makes me feel happy inside.
This little house would make the perfect home for my collection of 100 hamsters.
This wall collection is so pretty and SO Emily Henderson.
I have a soft spot for octopi. And octomoms. Not really.
My handsome friend Matthew, a talented interior designer who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
These fun painted out globes were everywhere. I’m totally going to try this at home with some of the globes I have lying around. It really only works with flat globes (no topography) but would be pretty to do with glossy acrylic paint.
I love this cute painted on carpet idea. I’m totally a sucker for floor painting.
Another pretty collection of art hung in a wonderful curvy stairway.
I want to do it all–it is one big DIY project!