Whut Glamour: Aandersson Ceramics

Photographs Courtesy Aandersson Ceramics


Dear Diary,

I love my life and everything is perfect! I never see anything I want that I can’t afford and I have all the white ceramic objects a man could ever need. I’m so content!


…Moments later…

Dear REAL Diary,

I hate my life and I want everything all the time and can only afford one expired can of tuna and a half-drunk Diet Mountain Dew in a dented can. Oh Diary, how I long to buy all the white ceramic things in the world, so that I one day when there is a terrifying earthquake in Los Angeles the dishes that I have hoarded over the years will topple on top of me and behead me instantly, so I will no longer have to live with the pain of wanting even more white pottery.

I recently came across this lovely stuff from Aandersson Ceramics, a company so confident they were making the best white pottery in the world that they added two unnecessary letters to their name. It’s all amazing and I want it all right now.

aandersson-ceramics-9Look at all these gems. GET IN MY MOUTH.

andersson-ceramics-7Olov Serving Bowl, $150

andersson-ceramics-8Ottilia Salad Plate, $40

andersson-ceramics-3 Olivia Vase, $130

aanderson-ceramics-11Osvald Mug, $50

andersson-ceramics-1Oscar Planter, $200

andersson-ceramicsOrvar Mug, $50

Notice anything about all the names? THEY ALL START WITH “O”! Which is yet more evidence that I need all of them.


PS: Check out more pieces from Aandersson Ceramics on their Internet Website!

5 thoughts on “Whut Glamour: Aandersson Ceramics

  1. “Hello, my name is Orlando and I am ceramic-holic…”
    All of us “Hello Orlandooooo!”

    Welcome to the club… you have to visit Limoges my dear! Maybe not practical to bring your stuff in a plane..

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